General Membership Meetings
Responsibilities & Requirements for Prescribing Schedule II Opioid Drugs
Course description: Drs. Reb Close and Casey Grover will provide an evidence-based course on pain management and opioid prescribing in dental practice. Topics will include the responsibilities and requirements for opioid prescribing, best practices for pain management, identification and management of patients with opioid use disorder, and best practices for educating patients on safe pain management.
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HIPAA Cybersecurity Compliance Requirements
Key Topics:
Why small businesses with 1 to 100 workstations account for over 50% of all ransomware attacks.
Why remote workers and home offices are especially vulnerable to cyberattacks
Why Apple devices (MacBooks & iPhones) are no longer safe from cyberattacks.
Why dental offices, especially those with 1 to 20 employees should be extremely concerned about hackers stealing patient records and ransomware attacks.
Why cybercriminals are targeting dental offices at an ever-increasing rate since 2021.
Why dental offices are often unaware they have been a victim of a cyberattack.
What are the costs involved in not being HIPAA Cybersecurity Compliant.
What dental offices can do to fight back, without having to spend a fortune.
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Winter 2025 CCDC
Fulfill four important requirements all in one day! All licensed dental professional are required by the Dental Board of California to take an infection control class and a California Dental Practice Act biennially for license renewal. However, don't forget that Cal/OSHA has annual training requirements for personnel who work in an environment that have a risk of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens and/or hazardous chemicals. Cal/OSHA required all dental professionals to take an annual course in blood-borne pathogens training, plus an annual hazard communication training program
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